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Friends of Tomchei Temimim

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Refael Halevi and Family Shlita

In Loving Memory Of

Dovid ben Rosa and Refael Halevi

Passed Away 14 Sivan 5783


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Your Hayomyom day



Hayom Yom: 1 Kislev, Rosh Chodesh

There were times when R. Yekusiel Liepler, a chassid of the Alter Rebbe………..

Hayom Yom: 2 Kislev

In the course of a maamar, my revered grandfather, [the Rebbe Maharash,]…………

Hayom Yom: 3 Kislev

One of the differences in conduct between the Baal Shem Tov and………

Hayom Yom: 4 Kislev

For mayim acharonim1 [before the Grace after Meals], water is poured………..

Hayom Yom: 5 Kislev

“Behold, a ladder was standing on the ground.”1 Prayer is the ladder2 by means…………

Hayom Yom: 6 Kislev

My revered father, [the Rebbe Rashab,] once said: The recitation of the Shema………

Hayom Yom: 7 Kislev

The haftarah begins with Ve’ami until talmei sadai, and continues………..

Hayom Yom: 8 Kislev

When a person contemplates the great kindness of the Creator…………

Hayom Yom: 9 Kislev, Tes Kislev

The birthday of the Mitteler Rebbe in 5534 (1773) and the anniversary………

Hayom Yom: 10 Kislev, Yud Kislev

On 10 Kislev,] 5587 (1826), the Mitteler Rebbe was released from his………..

Hayom Yom: 11 Kislev

[In the above text, the Rebbe Rayatz cites several emendations…………

Hayom Yom: 12 Kislev

The blessing Baruch ShePtarani1 should be recited without mentioning………

Hayom Yom: 13 Kislev

My father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: Chassidus transforms one’s existence………..

Hayom Yom: 14 Kislev

The Grace after Meals is recited over a cup of wine1 even if a quorum of ten…………

Hayom Yom: 15 Kislev

[In the above note, the Rebbe makes an emendation to the Hebrew text of………

Hayom Yom: 16 Kislev

A main foundation of the Chabad approach is for the mind, which naturally………..

Hayom Yom: 17 Kislev

Chabad Chassidus opens the gates of the halls of Chochmah and Binah,…………

Hayom Yom: 18 Kislev

he Tzemach Tzedek writes: The love [of G‑d at the level] indicated by the verse………

Hayom Yom: 19 Kislev

The haftarah [for Parshas Vayishlach] begins Chazon Ovadiah (Ovadiah 1:1-21)………..

Hayom Yom: 20 Kislev

The first printing of Sefer Shel Beinonim1 Tanya was completed on Tuesday…………

Hayom Yom: 21 Kislev

Everyone should study mishnayos by heart, according to his ability,………

Hayom Yom: 22 Kislev

One of the practices instituted by the Rebbe [Rayatz] is the recitation of the………..

Hayom Yom: 23 Kislev

From a talk of my revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], in Elul, 5635 (1875)…………

Hayom Yom: 24 Kislev, The day preceding Chanukah

(In continuation:) To explain the three verses beginning Lechu………

Hayom Yom: 25 Kislev, Day 1 of Chanukah

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], would kindle the Chanukah lights………..

Hayom Yom: 26 Kislev, Day 2 of Chanukah

[On Shabbos Mevarchim,1 it is our custom] to recite the entire Book of…………

Hayom Yom: 27 Kislev, Day 3 of Chanukah

During the Alter Rebbe’s second incarceration, in 5561 (1800), the conditions………

Hayom Yom: 28 Kislev, Day 4 of Chanukah

On one of the evenings of Chanukah, the Tzemach Tzedek would………..

Hayom Yom: 29 Kislev, Day 5 of Chanukah

In the Hellenistic era, the Jews sinned by fraternizing with the Greeks…………

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