

Published by:

Friends of Tomchei Temimim

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Refael Halevi and Family Shlita

In Loving Memory Of

Dovid ben Rosa and Refael Halevi

Passed Away 14 Sivan 5783


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Your Hayomyom day



Hayom Yom: 1 Sivan, Rosh Chodesh

[From the first of Sivan] until the twelfth inclusive, Tachanun1 is omitted.2……….

Hayom Yom: 2 Sivan

In [Friday evening’s welcoming] Kabbalas Shabbos service, the passage beginning Ana……….

Hayom Yom: 3 Sivan

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], did not look favorably on the practice of taking a haircut……..

Hayom Yom: 4 Sivan

The festival of Shavuos is the perfect time to do everything possible to advance one’s Torah study……….

Hayom Yom: 5 Sivan, The Day Preceding Shavuos

On the eve of Shavuos, 5557 (1797), the Alter Rebbe delivered a teaching [on G‑d’s command to……….

Hayom Yom: 6 Sivan, The 1st day of Shavuos

During the public reading of the Ten Commandments,2 the congregants stand and face the……..

Hayom Yom: 7 Sivan, The 2nd day of Shavuos

[Whenever] the Priestly Blessing [is given,2 the procedure to be followed by each congregant is……….

Hayom Yom: 8 Sivan, Isru Chag Shavuos

This physical world is a mixture of G‑d’s genunya2 (a meeting place in which G‑d unites with……….

Hayom Yom: 9 Sivan

This world needs to have its air purified, and this can be accomplished only through the letters of……..

Hayom Yom: 10 Sivan

The Alter Rebbe once gave the following answer to a chassid in the course of a yechidus:……….

Hayom Yom: 11 Sivan

From a sichah of my revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab]:……….

Hayom Yom: 12 Sivan

In the blessing Shehakol nih’yah bidvaro,1 the yud of the word nih’yah should be pronounced……..

Hayom Yom: 13 Sivan

The Tzemach Tzedek composed several niggunim. He would study aloud and melodiously………..

Hayom Yom: 14 Sivan

When putting on a tallis katan1 in the morning — if one’s hands are pure2 and he is in a place……….

Hayom Yom: 15 Sivan

At first, the Alter Rebbe would deliver very short teachingsthat would arouse the heart and……..

Hayom Yom: 16 Sivan

The sages of the early generations — who have been likened to angels1 — determined long ago………..

Hayom Yom: 17 Sivan

Not to derive satisfaction from this world in the fullest sense is only a good preparatory step……….

Hayom Yom: 18 Sivan

In this present era of ikvesa diMeshicha,1 [the generation that can already hear the approaching……..

Hayom Yom: 19 Sivan

In the month of MarCheshvan, 5613 (1852), the Tzemach Tzedek scheduled — in addition to his………..

Hayom Yom: 20 Sivan

My revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], used to say: The intellectual and……….

Hayom Yom: 21 Sivan

In chapter 3 of Tanya, the [Alter] Rebbe states that the three intellectual faculties of Chochmah……..

Hayom Yom: 22 Sivan

When saying the phrase vahavieinu leshalom,1 one first gathers together the two front tzitziyos………..

Hayom Yom: 23 Sivan

[On Shabbos Mevarchim, it is our custom] to recite the entire Book of Tehillim early in the……….

Hayom Yom: 24 Sivan

You ask: What does your spiritual bond with me — your hiskashrus — consist of, since I do not……..

Hayom Yom: 25 Sivan

It is written:1 “If there is worry in a man’s heart, he should minimize it2 (yashchenah).” Our………..

Hayom Yom: 26 Sivan

[With regard to the company of Korach, it is written:]1 “They will go down alive to the grave……….

Hayom Yom: 27 Sivan

It is written:1 “G‑d, your L‑rd, will bless you in all that you do.” A person only needs to make a……..

Hayom Yom: 28 Sivan

After the Tzemach Tzedek told his son, my revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], about an………..

Hayom Yom: 29 Sivan

According to the teachings of Chassidus, Divine serviceentails training oneself to……….

Hayom Yom: 30 Sivan, the 1st day of Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

The review of the weekly Torah reading — twice in the original, in the Holy Tongue,and once……..

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