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Friends of Tomchei Temimim

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Refael Halevi and Family Shlita

In Loving Memory Of

Dovid ben Rosa and Refael Halevi

Passed Away 14 Sivan 5783


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Your Hayomyom day



Hayom Yom: 1 Tamuz, The 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh

he [extent of the] self-sacrifice1 appropriate for Torah scholars2 is indicated by our Sages……….

Hayom Yom: 2 Tamuz

The Alter Rebbe writes in his Siddur1 that it is appropriate to say before [the morning……….

Hayom Yom: 3 Tamuz

My revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], once said: “Even when the sigh of Jew is……..

Hayom Yom: 4 Tamuz

A single chassid or student, who devotes his entire heart, mind and soul to study Torah……….

Hayom Yom: 5 Tamuz

Once, in the course of a yechidus, the Alter Rebbe questioned one of his foremost……….

Hayom Yom: 6 Tamuz

[The spiritual influence evoked by] the mitzvos is drawn down by means of the……..

Hayom Yom: 7 Tamuz

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once stated: “[To] Chassidus [can be applied……….

Hayom Yom: 8 Tamuz

We observe that G‑d cherished Avraham mainly because “he commands his children……….

Hayom Yom: 9 Tamuz

ll Jewish parents who require special deliverance and salvation for their children……..

Hayom Yom: 10 Tamuz

Soon after he undertook the leadership of the chassidic community……….

Hayom Yom: 11 Tamuz

In the Zholkva edition of Tanya that appeared in the year……….

Hayom Yom: 12 Tamuz

[This date marks] the birthday of the Rebbe Rayatz in 5640 (1880). On this date……..

Hayom Yom: 13 Tamuz

On this date [in 1927], the Rebbe [Rayatz]was actually granted freedom.1……….

Hayom Yom: 14 Tamuz

The following are the words of Tzemach Tzedek in one of his maamarim……….

Hayom Yom: 15 Tamuz

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], writes in one of his maamarim……..

Hayom Yom: 16 Tamuz

The Baal Shem Tov’s love of his fellow Jews1 is beyond conception……….

Hayom Yom: 17 Tamuz

A fast day. The Selichos prayers1 and Avinu Malkeinu2 are recited [in the Morning Service]……….

Hayom Yom: 18 Tamuz

The Alter Rebbe once said of his disciple, R. Moshe Vilenker: “Moshe has mochin degadlus……..

Hayom Yom: 19 Tamuz

Among the practices of my revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab]: When traveling from home……….

Hayom Yom: 20 Tamuz

Meditation associated with study: After a person understands a concept thoroughly……….

Hayom Yom: 21 Tamuz

[The custom in Chabad follows the ruling that] the blessing Shehecheyanu should not……..

Hayom Yom: 22 Tamuz

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: “A chassidic teaching1 clears one’s……….

Hayom Yom: 23 Tamuz

When we read the parshiyos called Matos and Masei in two separate weeks……….

Hayom Yom: 24 Tamuz

The Tzemach Tzedek used to say: “A pnimi1 is a chassid for whom the very notion of asking……..

Hayom Yom: 25 Tamuz

The Tzemach Tzedek used to say: “A pnimi1 is a chassid for whom the very notion of asking……….

Hayom Yom: 26 Tamuz

hen a person is studying Torah, he devotes himself to a concept that he is trying to……….

Hayom Yom: 27 Tamuz

A brilliant and renowned prodigy, with great talents and wondrously deep comprehension……..

Hayom Yom: 28 Tamuz

[On Shabbos Mevarchim, it is our custom] to recite the entire Book of Tehillim……….

Hayom Yom: 29 Tamuz

A handwritten note was once found1 in which the Tzemach Tzedek recorded his resolve……….

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