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Friends of Tomchei Temimim

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Refael Halevi and Family Shlita

In Loving Memory Of

Dovid ben Rosa and Refael Halevi

Passed Away 14 Sivan 5783


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Your Hayomyom day



Hayom Yom: 1 Cheshvan, the 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh

[In the Torah Reading] at the Afternoon Service, and likewise [at the Morning……….

Hayom Yom: 2 Cheshvan

In the course of a talk that my revered father, [the Rebbe Rashab,] delivered on……….

Hayom Yom: 3 Cheshvan

In the above-mentioned talk, the Rebbe Rashab continued: Bereishis is a happy……..

Hayom Yom: 4 Cheshvan

Studying Torah every day critically affects our very lives: not only the soul of the……….

Hayom Yom: 5 Cheshvan

The Jewish people are likened to stars that sparkle in the heavens. Thanks to……….

Hayom Yom: 6 bCheshvan

When the Alter Rebbe wished to bless R. Yekusiel Liepler with wealth……..

Hayom Yom: 7 Cheshvan

In the era since the Giving of the Torah, the stages [in our Divine service……….

Hayom Yom: 8 Cheshvan

The word mitzvah is related to the word tzavsa, meaning “connection………..

Hayom Yom: 9 Cheshvan

When my revered father, [the Rebbe Rashab,] was four or five years old……..

Hayom Yom: 10 Cheshvan

The [Alter] Rebbe used to refer to the World of Atzilus (אצילות) as “above………..

Hayom Yom: 11 Cheshvan

[In the above note, the Rebbe makes emendations to the Hebrew………..

Hayom Yom: 12 Cheshvan

One of the Alter Rebbe’s first teachings, which in those [early] days were……..

Hayom Yom: 13 Cheshvan

The Baal Shem Tov conducted a regular study session in Gemara with………..

Hayom Yom: 14 Cheshvan

“A man’s footsteps are made firm by G‑d, [and He desires his way………..

Hayom Yom: 15 Cheshvan

The haftarah [for Parshas Vayeira] begins Ve’ishah and ends bnah……..

Hayom Yom: 16 Cheshvan

Thought is a garment and a servant for the mind and the emotions………..

Hayom Yom: 17 Cheshvan

We must carefully watch our time. We have to accept the yoke of the Torah………..

Hayom Yom: 18 Cheshvan

[In the above note, the Rebbe makes emendations to the Hebrew text of……..

Hayom Yom: 19 Cheshvan

In response to a question at yechidus, the Alter Rebbe once gave………..

Hayom Yom: 20 Cheshvan, Chaf Cheshvan

On this day the Rebbe Rashab was born, in the year 5621 (1860). The Tzemach………..

Hayom Yom: 21 Cheshvan

Serving G‑d through prayer1 brings one’s intellectual comprehension into the……..

Hayom Yom: 22 Cheshvan

The following is one of the teachings that the Alter Rebbe heard during his………..

Hayom Yom: 23 Cheshvan

In the course of the Rabbinical Conference in Petersburg in 5603 (1843),1 the Tzemach………..

Hayom Yom: 24 Cheshvan

In material matters, a person should look at someone lower [i.e., less fortunate]……..

Hayom Yom: 25 Cheshvan

Supernal Providence brings every Jew to his dwelling place in order to strengthen………..

Hayom Yom: 26 Cheshvan

The true path demands that one recognize his essential nature, with a genuine………..

Hayom Yom: 27 Cheshvan

R. Aizik HaLevi of Homil related: “When I came to Liozna,1 I met elder……..

Hayom Yom: 28 Cheshvan

The concept of hashgachah peratis means not only that every particular………..

Hayom Yom: 29 Cheshvan

[On Shabbos Mevarchim, it is our custom] to recite the entire Book of Tehillim………..

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