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Friends of Tomchei Temimim

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Refael Halevi and Family Shlita

In Loving Memory Of

Dovid ben Rosa and Refael Halevi

Passed Away 14 Sivan 5783


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Your Hayomyom day


Adar l

Hayom Yom: 1 Adar I - The 2nd day of Rosh Chodesh

[In the above note, the Rebbe spells out the unusual meaning of an ……….

Hayom Yom: 2 Adar I

The Alter Rebbe provided the members of the chassidic brotherhood with a path in the……….

Hayom Yom: 3 Adar I

The Alter Rebbe taught that the mitzvah of ahavas Yisrael, loving a fellow Jew, applies to every……..

Hayom Yom: 4 Adar I

The first step in preparing for disciplined meditation, especially on G‑dly concepts, requires……….

Hayom Yom: 5 Adar I

Beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, wherever our feet tread, the sole reason is that we refine……….

Hayom Yom: 6 Adar I

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: “It is a wondrous trait, when G‑d grants a……..

Hayom Yom: 7 Adar I

Every Jew must know that wherever he may be, he is an agent of the Master of All, [charged with……….

Hayom Yom: 8 Adar I

The Alter Rebbe once summoned a young disciple of the Maggid [of Mezritch]. Speaking in his……….

Hayom Yom: 9 Adar I

When a person walks down the street and mentally reviews passages from Mishnayos or Tanya……..

Hayom Yom: 10 Adar I

In [preparation for] the Grace after Meals, before washing the fingertips for mayim acharonim……….

Hayom Yom: 11 Adar I

There is a well-known tradition concerning individuals who do not have the mental ability to……….

Hayom Yom: 12 Adar I

It is written:1 “A man’s gift grants him amplitude, and leads him before great men.” Some people……..

Hayom Yom: 13 Adar I

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once remarked: “It is clear to me that when a chassidic……….

Hayom Yom: 14 Adar I, Purim Katan

My revered grandfather, the Rebbe [Maharash], once told my revered father, the Rebbe……….

Hayom Yom: 15 Adar I, Shushan Purim Katan

[When Shushan Purim Katan1 falls on Shabbos,2 ] the passage beginning Av……..

Hayom Yom: 16 Adar I

The Alter Rebbe once taught:1 The contributions toward the construction of the Sanctuary……….

Hayom Yom: 17 Adar I

One day, many years before his imprisonment in Petersburg in 5559 [1798],1 the……….

Hayom Yom: 18 Adar I

When reciting the threefold blessing after drinking wine and partaking of any of the seven……..

Hayom Yom: 19 Adar I

Chassidim, even those of average spiritual stature, used to be thoroughly knowledgeable……….

Hayom Yom: 20 Adar I

The concept of avodah Divine service — does not [merely] mean that one must……….

Hayom Yom: 21 Adar I

The title “chassid” is an ancient term found in the words of our Sages (Eruvin 18b), and……..

Hayom Yom: 22 Adar I

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], writes in one of his maamarim:1 “[The teaching……….

Hayom Yom: 23 Adar I

The rabbis and the Torah scholars are called “the eyes of the community”1 and “the heads ……….

Hayom Yom: 24 Adar I

R. Hillel of Paritch once asked the Mitteler Rebbe whether he should teach Chassidus ……..

Hayom Yom: 25 Adar I

The passage beginning Hoshieinu1 isrecited after the Psalm of the Day……….

Hayom Yom: 26 Adar I

Young Torah scholars should approach their work [among the Jewish people ……….

Hayom Yom: 27 Adar I

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: “Truth is the middle path. A deviation……..

Hayom Yom: 28 Adar I

In the Prayer before Retiring at Night,1 the passage beginning Ribono shel Olam……….

Hayom Yom: 29 Adar I

The haftarah [for the Shabbos of Parshas Shekalim] begins Vayichros Yehoyada……….

Hayom Yom: 30 Adar I

My revered father, the Rebbe [Rashab], once said: “A chassid creates an environment………

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